NGS-based molecular typing kit for use on Illumina sequencing platforms
Monotype ABO™ is a long-range amplification kit covering Exons 2-7 of the ABO gene, and the resulting libraries can be sequenced on Illumina instruments with 2*150bp paired-end reads.
The ABO assay leverages the power of the Holotype HLA™ workflow, providing high throughput and allele level resolution genotyping of the ABO gene.
The analysis of molecular level ABO data is supported by HLA Twin™, the most accurate genotyping software for the processing of NGS data.
Product Highlights
- Only 80 ng of DNA required for amplification
- Combine up to 576 samples per run ***
- 4 hours hands on time for 192 samples
- Less than 48 hours turnaround time from sample to result
- Automated genotyping after completed sequencing run
- Two independent algorithm-analysis for allele-level genotyping
- Supports clinical and research workflows
- 20 Quality Control metrics for confident assignment
- Support for Windows, Linux and OSX, standalone and server-client setups
- ABO libraries can be combined with other libraries for optimized sequencing cost
- MiniSeq, MiSeq and NextSeq supported
- Any type of flow cell supported depending on throughput
- 300 and 500 cycle chemistry supported
What is included in the kit?
- ABO specific primers for 24 or 96 samples
- Library Preparation Reagents for 24 96 samples
- 96 Well Adaptor Plate with indexed adaptors
- NGS Excel Workbook
- HLA Twin™ – dual algorithm genotyping software
Technical and equipment requirements
- MiniSeq, MiSeq or NextSeq
- Thermal Cycler
- Plate fluorometer or qPCR instrument
- 64-bit computer with a minimum of 16 GB RAM
- Library Size Selection: Pippin Prep or Magnetic Beads
All timings are for 192 samples, Monotype ABO v1.0
* Timings are based on the Biomek 4000 by Beckman Coulter.
** On a MiSeq 300-cycle micro flow cell.
*** Lead time for >288 barcodes varies. Consult your local sales representative for an accurate estimated delivery.